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Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare)

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Découvrir les thèmes principaux et les enjeux de la pièce.

Points clés
  • William Shakespeare a écrit Roméo et Juliette entre 1591 et 1595.
  • La pièce tient à la fois de la romance et de la tragédie.
  • Roméo et Juliette appartiennent à deux familles ennemies, ce qui rend leur amour impossible.
  • L’amour et la mort s’entremêlent constamment dans la pièce.
1. Introduction

The story of Romeo and Juliet is probably the most famous love story in the world. It was written between 1591 and 1595 by William Shakespeare. The play belongs to the tradition of tragic romances because even though love is omnipresent death accompanies the heroes throughout the story.

2. The story and the plot

The play is set in Verona, Italy. The main characters, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, do not know each when the story begins. Though the Montagues and the Capulets are sworn enemies, Romeo accepts to attend a ball given by the Capulets because he hopes to meet there Rosaline, one of Capulet’s nieces, whom he has fallen in love with. But Romeo meets Juliet and he feels love at first sight. Juliet is unfortunately supposed to marry Count Paris. When Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, discovers that his enemy has entered the Capulet’s home, he decides to kill him before Juliet’s father puts an end to the quarrel. After the ball, Juliet will confess her love to Romeo (the famous balcony scene) in spite of the hatred that exists between the two families.

But Tybalt is still furious and he challenges Romeo to a duel. As Romeo refuses because Tybalt is now part of his family, one of his friends, Mercutio, accepts the duel and is killed by Tybalt. Consequently, Romeo kills Tybalt to avenge his friend and is forced to leave the city. Juliet, who wants the wedding with Count Paris to be delayed, is rejected by her parents. She then decides to meet Friar Laurence who tells her of a plan: she will drink a potion that will “kill” her for 42 hours and when she wakes up Romeo will be here to marry her. Not informed of the plan, Romeo thinks Juliet is really dead and drinks poison. When she wakes up, Juliet discovers her lover is dead and she stabs herself with his dagger.

The final scene shows the two families reunited at the tomb of the lovers. They agree to reconcile "For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo" as the final verse reads.

3. Love in the play

Love is of course the most important theme. Romantic love and intense passion were born from the two lovers’ first encounter. It is a force that supersedes everything else, even death. Juliet understands that she will not be able to love again after Romeo’s death. Love and death are linked together in the play: Tybalt intends to kill Romeo just after the latter has seen Juliet and felt love. If Juliet wants to marry Romeo, she must pretend to be dead for a few hours. Even Count Paris dies at the end of the play in a battle with Romeo. It is not love or die, but love and die. Shakespeare tries to explain that Romeo and Juliet can preserve their love only if they die. Their love is impossible. Indeed, what would have happened if they had survived? Wouldn’t Romeo have been killed? We may think he would. Death was their inevitable fate.

4. Conclusion

Love is present in lots and lots of stories but most of the time authors depict love as a positive passion which unites people and make them live happily. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare did not want his play to be a comedy, he needed something more original. He succeeded in the sense that Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, maybe the best tragic play in the world. And of course, the most beautiful love story, too.

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