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The Problem We All Live With (a painting by Norman Rockwell)

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  • Découvrir comment Norman Rockwell dénonce le racisme grâce à la peinture.
Points clés
  • The Problem We All Live With est un tableau de Norman Rockwell, peint en 1964.
  • Norman Rockwell y représente un fait réel : le trajet de Ruby Bridges, une petite fille noire, vers son école jusque là réservée aux Blancs et son escorte de quatre gendarmes pour la protéger des violences racistes.
  • En se plaçant du point de vue des manifestants et en mettant la petite Ruby au centre du tableau, Norman Rockwell invite ses contemporains à réfléchir à la cruauté qu’ils peuvent témoigner envers une petite fille qui ne fait qu’aller à l’école, comme tous les autres enfants.
1. Introduction

The Problem We All Live With is a painting by American artist Norman Rockwell. It was created in 1964, at a time when segregation was vivid in the country. Then, Blacks and Whites were separated, they did not live in the same areas nor did they eat in the same restaurants, their children could not go to the same schools, and so on. That period was very difficult for coloured people who were denied their civil rights, and movements of protests led by charismatic leaders or groups such as Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks or the Black Panthers started to denounce the situation and stand up for their rights.

2. Norman Rockwell’s art of denouncing
a. Ruby Bridges

Norman Rockwell’s painting was inspired by a black and white photograph. It shows an African American little girl whose name is Ruby Bridges. She is six years old and she is walking to school. But what is striking is that she is not going to school with her parents like other children, she is escorted by four marshals instead! The scene takes place on 14 November, 1960 in New Orleans. A desegregation policy which had just been adopted by the Supreme Court allowed black students into all-white schools. Only two schools had been selected to desegregate, and William Frantz Elementary School – Ruby’s school – was one of them. Unfortunately, white people living in the area were opposed to the project and threatened the black children, sometimes to death. They had to face racial insults and public humiliation, hence the presence of marshals protecting Ruby on her way to school.

b. The painting

Rockwell’s painting is evocative. We do not see the faces of the marshals, we only see Ruby in the middle of the picture. She is the most important person here. In spite of the tense situation surrounding her, she looks proud. She has the right to go to school, so why would not she go? She seems to wonder. She is not doing anything wrong. Above her head we can see the injuring word nigger written on the wall and the letters KKK representing the white supremacists of the Ku Klux Klan. The latter are probably watching the scene among the protesters, though they are not visible because we are looking at what is happening from their point of view.

c. Denouncing the cruelty

By adopting their point of view, Rockwell tried to strike a chord among his fellow citizens. He wanted to denounce the cruelty of Whites who did not hesitate to intimidate a six year-old girl because of her skin colour. Ruby is such an easy prey for these people. She is different and vulnerable but they do not care because she represents everything that they hate. The colours (black, red, white or brown) were chosen to illustrate the racial theme. Light and dark oppose themselves in the painting, like in the US in the 1960s.

3. Conclusion

Rockwell’s painting is a snapshot of the situation in the US in the 1960s. It is quite successful in the sense that viewers are moved by what they have in front of their eyes. Like any piece of art, it makes us think. Here we can deduce from it that the situation for the Blacks was very difficult to bear and it also proves that being different frightens people. We can easily imagine white people spewing their bile across an innocent girl. It must have been very difficult for Ruby to become integrated in this world where she was born, just because she was Black.

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