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Game of Thrones

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  • Découvrir les références historiques dont s’inspire un récit moderne et une série TV à succès.
  • Distinguer les différentes intrigues et thèmes développés dans la série.
Points clés
  • La série Game of Thrones est une adaptation télévisuelle des romans de George R. R. Martin par David Benioff et Daniel B. Weiss.
  • Bien que l’histoire se déroule dans un monde imaginaire, elle s’inspire d’événements et de personnages historiques.
  • Plusieurs intrigues se superposent : le conflit qui opposent les seigneurs de Westeros, l’ascension de Daenerys Targaryen, héritière déchue de l’ancien roi, et la menace que représentent les Marcheurs blancs, à la frontière nord de Westeros.
  • La série aborde les thèmes de l’amour, du devoir, du pouvoir qui corrompt le cœur des hommes et des femmes…
1. Introduction

The American TV series Game of Thrones, created by D. Benioff and D. B. Weiss and adapted from George R. R. Martin’s novels, is famous all over the world. The story takes place in a fantasy world where seasons last for years, and legendary creatures cohabit with the humans. Though most episodes and characters are of course fictional, some of them are based on historic events and figures (like the War of the Roses, the building of Hadrian’s Wall, Henri Tudor…) which brings a touch of realism to the series.

When the story begins, a ten-year summer is ending, and as winter is coming, the characters battle to claim the "Iron Throne," the seat of the king of the Seven Kingdoms, the political regime that rules all but the northern part of Westeros.

2. The plot

The story is divided into three major plots:

  • the first one is about the battle between the lords living on the continent of Westeros (Baratheon, Lannister and Stark), who are involved in the fight for the Iron Throne.
  • the second follows the rise of Daenerys Targaryen, the last member of an exiled family, as she builds an army in Essos to reclaim the throne. Her brother Vyseris would do anything to conquer the throne. His father, Aerys II Targaryen, used to rule the continent before Robert Baratheon led a rebellion and took his place on the throne. Banished from Westeros, they now live on another continent, Essos.
  • the third plot takes place in the North of Westeros, among the Night's Watch, an 8 000 year old armed unit that guards the 300-mile-long, 70-foot-tall wall that protects the rest of the continent from the mythical creatures that live there. The wall is made of stones, ice and magic. Jon Snow (the bastard son of Eddar Stark) and the guards fear the return of ancient mythical and legendary creatures, the White Walkers.

The main plot is of course the quest for the Iron Throne, the ultimate symbol of power.

3. The themes

A lot of themes are developed in Game of Thrones and the most important ones are those developed below.
The choice between duty and love prevails in the series. Most characters are confronted to this dilemma: do they have to serve their king or stay with their family?
Corrupt politics is also denounced. It is inevitable as every force tries to maintain or expand their power. And power corrupts men.
Moral ambiguity is depicted, too. The characters are seen from inside, we know what they think or feel. And if some are motivated by virtue, others look up to wealth and power instead.
Religion occupies a major part of the story, as there are multiple gods and faiths, reflecting thus the current situation of the world.

4. Conclusion

We can easily find some traces of Tolkien’s universe (fantasy, medieval times, quest for power, armies, wars…) in the series, and like The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones has captivated millions and millions of fans in the world. It has also been awarded a lot of times since 2011. According to the American channel HBO, Games of Thrones is the most popular series of the 21st century. Eighteen million people watch it regularly and contrary to what was expected, it is not a story for men only: indeed, 42% of women love it.

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Question 2/5

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Quelle est la médiane de cette série ?

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