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Bend It Like Beckham (Gurinder Chadha)

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  • Découvrir une comédie qui pousse à s’affirmer et encourage l’ouverture d’esprit.
Points clés
  • Bend It Like Beckham (2002) est une comédie du réalisateur Gurinder Chadha.
  • L’histoire se déroule à Londres, où Jesminder (ou Jess) se passionne pour le football malgré la désapprobation de ses parents.
  • Le film constitue un message d’espoir selon lequel toute barrière peut être brisée tant qu’on croit en ses rêves et que l’on fait de son mieux pour convaincre ses opposants.
1. Introduction

Bend It Like Beckham is a British comedy written and directed by Gurinder Chadha in 2002. This movie is about Jesminder’s passion for football (David Beckham is a former international football star). Unfortunately, Jesminder’s parents forbid her to play because she is a girl.

2. Summary
a. The beginning – Once upon a time in London

Jesminder Bhamra is an eighteen-year-old girl who lives in London. She has Pakistani origins and she loves playing football. But her parents do not allow her to play in spite of the fact that her dad loves sports too. He used to play cricket but he was excluded from a club because of his origins. Consequently, he does not want Jess to face the same situation. Moreover, her parents are very conservative and believe a girl should not play sports.

But Jess is too infatuated with football to obey her parents. While she is playing in a park with some friends, Juliette (Jules) notices how good she is and asks her to play in her team. Jess is so excited that she accepts and, after being tested by Joe, the team coach, she is hired. Thanks to the two girls, the team manages to reach the finals of the league tournament.

b. The middle – Everything goes wrong

Unfortunately for Jess, her parents have discovered her lie and they decide to punish her more severely: she must stop immediately and will not take part in the finals! It is all the more impossible anyway as her sister’s wedding is on the same day. As Joe is trying his best to convince Jess’ parents, the both of them fall in love even though Jules had told her friend that she had a crush on Joe. Their relationship becomes tense.

c. The end – Bend it like Beckham

In spite of Joe’s efforts, Jess’ father never yields and he now knows that Jess will not take part in the finals. Yet, on Pinky’s wedding day, Tony, a friend of Jess’, persuades him to let his daughter go. Jess gets to the stadium while the team is losing 1-0. But there are thirty minutes left. Jules and Jess equalize. A few minutes before the end of the match, a free kick is accorded to Jess’ team by the referee. Jess knows she must imitate David Beckham to score. She must bend the ball around the wall of players, which she does! Her team has won! As a reward, the two girls are offered sports grants at Santa Clara University in California.

All is well that ends well. Indeed, in the last scenes of the movie, Joe confesses his love for Jess, Pinky is pregnant and Jess’ father has taken up cricket again.

3. Individuals and groups

Jess is often opposed to groups in the movie. She is an individual that the others fail to understand because she is different. As a Pakistani girl in an English city, she has to face racism (“she called me a Paki”). Joe, who is Irish, and Mr Bhamra suffered from racism too.

Jess is also victim of sexism when some characters declare that “girls must be doing girly things… not boyish things like sports!” Even Jess’ parents adopt sexist attitudes, wondering “What family would want a daughter-in-law who can run around kicking football all day but can’t make round chapatis?” This leads to culture clashes as the young woman who lives according to the English way of life does not understand why her parents prevent her from playing football like the teenage girls she goes to school with. Even Jules and Joe have to struggle with their parents’ expectations sometimes.

But when she scores her magnificent free kick, Jess decides to single herself out: “Anyone can cook aloo gobi  but who can bend a ball like Beckham?

4. Conclusion

The film shows how difficult it is for an individual to confront others when you are different or when they do not share the same point of view. By exploring the traditions of Pakistani culture with modern day Britain as the background and by casting a girl who wants to play football as the main character, we can see that discrimination can take various faces but it should not stop you. You may be alone, especially when you stand up for your rights, but nothing is impossible as long as you believe in your dreams and do your best to persuade your opponents. This is the message conveyed by Jess in the movie, a message of hope meant to break barriers.

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Question 1/5

La médiane de 6 notes est 13. Cela signifie que :

Question 2/5

On a obtenu la série statistique suivante :

Combien vaut la médiane ?

Question 3/5

On a obtenu la série ci-dessous :

Quelle est la médiane de cette série ?

Question 4/5

On a relevé les tailles en cm des élèves d’une classe :


Parmi les propositions suivantes, laquelle est vraie ?

Question 5/5

Les notes en français de deux classes littéraires sont données dans le tableau suivant :

Quelle est la note médiane ?

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