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The benefits of sport

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  • Le sport est à la fois bon pour l’esprit (soulage du stress, apprend à travailler en équipe, etc.) et pour le corps (combat l’obésité, donne plus d’énergie, etc.).
  • Les adolescents ont de plus en plus tendance à adopter des activités statiques, ce qui peut être dangereux : sans avoir à arrêter ces activités, il faut les compenser avec un peu de sport !

Nowadays, lots of people practice an activity in their free time, unlike 50 years ago. One of the main reasons for such a change is that we have more free time but it is also because people have understood that there are some advantages to continue dancing, playing tennis, playing rugby (and so on) or to take up a new activity. But what are they?

1. Why sport is beneficial to our daily life
a. The satisfaction of an healthy mind

First, sport satisfies a lot of social needs and helps keeping a healthy mind.

Children and parents can share the same passion and play together, which tightens family bonds. Sport also make new people meet and eventually become friends.

It teaches how to develop teamwork and communication skills to solve problems, which can help to to face some problems and take important decisions.

Sport is an excellent means to let go of stress when you feel under pressure as exercise makes you forget everything for a while and makes you feel much better afterwards. It can also boost your confidence and your self-esteem when you have reached your goals.

b. The importance of sport for the body

Then, as far as health is concerned, sport plays an important role which must not be neglected.

Practicing a regular activity requires time and energy. Consequently, it prevents people from putting on too much weight, and so it prevents the cardiovascular problems that go along with obesity. Sport strengthens the muscles, but also the rest of your body like the bones. It reduces the risks of disease (hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, etc.).

Sport gives more energy and endurance so you can do much more things in a day. Moreover, people who practice a physical activity usually take healthy decisions and avoid eating unhealthy food (with too much fat, sugar or salt in it), drinking alcohol or smoking, because they do not want their efforts to be in vain.

Sport is rewarding and exciting, especially when you see that your efforts makes you change.

2. Teenagers, adults and sport

If the percentage of people practicing a physical activity has risen in the last 15 years, this is only true for adults who love walking, cycling or skiing when their free time allows them to devote themselves to their passion. Unfortunately this is not the case for teenagers who tend to spend more and more time indoors, watching series or playing video games instead of exercising. This is alarming because these bad habits are very dangerous for health: lack of exercise can cause stress, worsen the sleep, and encourage obesity. Moreover, as it is often activities that you do when you are alone, these habits can make them more isolated and socially awkward. Sedentary activities are not bad, but you have to counterbalance them with physical activities.

3. Conclusion

To conclude, we can say that sport is good for both the mind and body. Remember what the Roman poet Juvenal used to say: “Mens sana in corpora sano” (“a healthy mind in a healthy body”)! It helps develop some skills such as dedication, self-confidence, discipline, mutual respect and leadership. It also helps to improve your mood, concentration and sleep habits. It can be difficult to exercise when you start, but it is all worth it.

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Question 2/5

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Combien vaut la médiane ?

Question 3/5

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Quelle est la médiane de cette série ?

Question 4/5

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Parmi les propositions suivantes, laquelle est vraie ?

Question 5/5

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Quelle est la note médiane ?

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