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Découvrir un aspect de la notion « Citoyenneté et mondes virtuels ».

Points clés
  • Grâce aux nouvelles technologies, le travail à domicile, ou télétravail, est devenu une pratique courante dans le monde des entreprises.
  • Bien que ce nouveau genre de travail ait des avantages (moins de stress, plus de transport, etc.), il a aussi ses inconvénients (besoin de matériels appropriés, plus d’esprit d’équipe, etc.) pour l’employé(e).
  • Le télétravail permet de travailler de chez soi, mais aussi partout dans le monde. Les entreprises l’encourage de plus en plus, car ils peuvent investir l’argent de l’espace de travail dans d’autres domaines. Elles fournissent également des espaces de travail partagé, ou espace de coworking.

Who has never dreamt of working from home? No more waste of time in traffic jams, possibility to get up later and work according to one’s own rhythm… Idyllic, isn’t it?
But are there only advantages? Aren’t there any drawbacks, too? This is what we are going to see before analyzing how companies adapt to this new kind of situation and progressively get rid of their offices to give more independence to their employees.

1. Working at Home
a. Advantages

Home working has many advantages. Let’s start for example with the employees who have little children: well, they can keep them at home and save the costs of a nursery.

Because they do not have to spend hours commuting, employees are generally more productive, which is very good for any company.
Working from home generates less stress because employees are familiar with the environment and they feel at ease.
Consequently, the balance between life and work is better and they can choose their own working hours providing they reach the objectives, of course.

But this little revolution in the domain of work can be good for the employer, too.
Indeed, while their employers work from home, they save money on office space and other facilities.
It is also very convenient for them as they can locate their staff near their clients rather than in their premises.

As we can see there are positive aspects to this kind of situation, but is the situation totally idyllic? Well no, there are some drawbacks unfortunately.

b. Drawbacks

First, people who decide to stay at home and work there must be equipped, if not they will have to buy their own suitable equipment.
They may also have to take another telephone subscription which could be more expensive.

At home, team spirit does not exist as people work in different places and rarely meet. This can sometimes be difficult, especially when you like meeting people and not feeling isolated. Your morale could decrease.

Last, not all jobs suit home working. And not all employees either, it depends on their personality. This is made possible thanks to the emergence of social networks in our lives. It is now even common to hold long-distance meetings with applications such as Skype,, Ringcentral Meetings, etc.

c. Conclusion

To conclude we can say that the best solution is not to choose between these two solutions.
Choose both and split time between home and your workplace to get as many advantages as possible!

2. Companies without Offices
a. Working from anywhere

As work is now seen as an activity and not a place, employers do not worry anymore about their workplace and they do not hesitate to get rid of their offices in order to save money that they can spend on marketing, advertising and so on.
Thanks to new technologies, it has become very easy to work from anywhere. That is the reason why telecommuting has almost doubled in the past ten years. Some companies even rent rooms in hotels for their employees when they need space and prefer paying one or two hours rather than investing in offices.
Work has changed, what is now important is the task you have to do, not the place where you are doing it.

b. Co-working spaces

As far as the biggest companies are concerned, most encourage their employers to work wherever and whenever they like, but they usually provide them with co-working spaces worldwide when they need to gather.

So, working from home or going to work? It’s up to you but remember that the most important is work itself.

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Question 1/5

La médiane de 6 notes est 13. Cela signifie que :

Question 2/5

On a obtenu la série statistique suivante :

Combien vaut la médiane ?

Question 3/5

On a obtenu la série ci-dessous :

Quelle est la médiane de cette série ?

Question 4/5

On a relevé les tailles en cm des élèves d’une classe :


Parmi les propositions suivantes, laquelle est vraie ?

Question 5/5

Les notes en français de deux classes littéraires sont données dans le tableau suivant :

Quelle est la note médiane ?

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